How To Prevent Ski Goggles From Fogging

Do you face the same problem where your ski goggles just keep fogging up no matter how good your anti-fog coats are? Are you just as anxious as your fellow skiers who are visiting this website along with you to solve this problem of theirs? 

Well, nonetheless, you are at the right place. Consider your job done! I will take it up from here. Come, let us find some ways to solve your problem!

The Phenomenon Of Condensation 

Before we jump into solutions, we must first find the root of the problem! We don’t solve math without applying a formula, do we?          

So, if you try to remember middle school chemistry, there was this phenomenon called condensation. It occurs when hot air comes in contact with cold air. Sounds similar? Yes, the air you breathe out during skiing, snowboarding, and other snow sports, is warm contrary to the temperature outside. This leads to moisture formation on the lenses, also known as fogging up.     

To beat this, the manufacturers use anti-fog coatings, and install a ventilation system in your goggles which allows warm air to pass out smoothly and mix with the cold atmosphere without causing any discrepancy to the lenses. 

There are definitely some things that you will need to keep in mind while understanding the counter mechanisms of condensation. 

What Causes Goggles To Fog?

What Causes Goggles To Fog?

The section above tells you the normal way of fogging which happens to everyone. But there are some ways that take place because of your negligence. 

Sometimes moisture from your body can get trapped inside the goggles. We all know what happens when moisture cannot escape outside. It condenses and forms a layer of fog inside your goggles. 

To prevent these mistakes, avoid overdressing! Wear as few layers as possible and don’t wear heavy scarves on your neck. Also, avoid wearing unbreathable masks. Use only cotton masks but let your nostrils be exposed to air. 

Also, a very very important disclaimer. Do not wear a helmet or a hat that restricts airflow and doesn’t allow all the warm air to escape. Make sure to shop for snug-fitting helmets while you are at it. Comfortability is important but safety is equally important. If wearing a loose-fit helmet ensures your safety, adjust with it. Also, keep in mind to not buy a helmet whose front side is covered. It is usually these types of helmets that account for most of the condensation cases.       

And, just like you did with the helmets, do not buy tight-fitting goggles for a secure fit!  Secure fit means, it shouldn’t be very tight and at the same time, it wouldn’t be very loose. Investing in tight goggles is the same as buying danger for yourself. So always buy goggles that have a snug fit. Never buy tight goggles!

Some Remedies To Avoid Fogging Up Of Goggles  

prevent ski goggles from fogging

Choose goggles with good anti-fog coatings

Your ski goggles should have anti-fog coatings on the inside of the lenses! And if your goggles do not have them, then either replace them or install the anti-fog coatings! It is a must! That is because they are designed to reduce moisture buildup and prevent fogging during skiing. The anti-fog coatings work by dispersing the water molecules across the lens surface, making it more difficult for water droplets to accumulate in one place and obstruct your vision. 

Good ventilation

Now, you already know that proper ventilation is very essential to prevent fogging. When you’re engaged in physical activities like skiing or snowboarding and your body generates heat and moisture, goggles with well-designed ventilation systems allow fresh air to flow through the goggles. Didn’t I already tell you that air needs to flow in and out to intervene in the condensation process? That is exactly what is happening here! Vents in the frame or lens help to channel the airflow, reducing the chances of fogging without compromising protection from the cold.

Proper fit

how to avoid ski goggles from fogging up

Ensuring that your ski goggles fit properly is crucial for preventing fogging. A good fit creates a secure seal around your face, minimizing the chances of warm, moist air escaping from the bottom and fogging up the lenses. When choosing goggles, keep chanting, neither too tight nor too loose. 

Avoid overheating

Overdressing or wearing heavy clothing in extremely cold conditions can lead to overheating and excessive sweating. When your body temperature rises, you produce sweat that leads to fogging inside the goggles. Dress in minimum layers to regulate your body temperature and avoid overheating. 

Keep goggles dry

This is very important. Before heading out of your house or hotel for skiing, make sure your goggles are dry and free from any water droplets. If your goggles get wet during use, wipe them gently with a clean, dry cloth. Avoid using clothing or gloves that you are wearing to wipe the inside of the lens, as this can leave a residue that could cause fogging later.

Avoid touching the inside of the lens

Touching the inside of the goggle lens with your fingers can transfer oils and residues from your skin, which can damage the anti-fog coatings of the goggles and lead to fogging. If you accidentally touch the lens, it’s essential to clean it properly before use. 

Carry anti-fog wipes or sprays

how to keep ski goggles from fogging up?

These products often provide an extra layer of protection against fogging and can be applied periodically while skiing to enhance the anti-fog properties of your goggles. 

Lift goggles during breaks

When you take breaks during your skiing or snowboarding session, lift your goggles away from your face. Allowing some airflow between your face and the goggles can help eliminate the accumulated moisture and prevent fogging. 

Use a helmet or hat with proper ventilation

Helmets or hats with vents allow air to flow freely around your head and face, helping to regulate temperature and reduce moisture buildup inside the goggles. Properly ventilated headwear complements well-ventilated goggles, creating an effective system to prevent fogging.

Avoid tucking facemasks inside the goggles

To tuck your mask inside the goggles can trap warm, moist air and contribute to fogging. Instead, ensure that your mask sits comfortably over or below your nose, allowing warm air to escape freely through any vents in the goggles.

Dry goggles overnight

After a day of skiing or snowboarding, take the time to dry your goggles properly overnight. Ensure that they are kept in a well-ventilated area, away from direct heat sources, to prevent any residual moisture from lingering inside the goggles. Starting the next day with dry goggles will give you a clearer vision from the get-go.


It is not that tough to prevent fogging. 

That is what most of you must be thinking after reading this article, right?  

I know! It is not that hard to take proper care of your goggles, and of yourself when you’re in snow. I mean yes, I agree it is indeed very exciting but you should also prioritize your safety. There is nothing that can’t be done without being safe, is there?   

You may ignore these problems thinking that they happen to everyone but every problem is serious and can lead to a deadly end! You never know, so always be safe! 

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